In the Middle of Missouri!
Only 10 minutes from I-70. Halfway between Kansas City and St. Louis. Zoom out about 8 clicks to see the big picture.
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Do you have four wheel drive and related skills? If not...DON'T TRUST GPS OR BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN. YOUR DIRECTIONS MUST INCLUDE RIDGE ROAD.
Directions to Selbys'
Short version of directions from I-70:.
Take exit 111 south, going about 2.9 miles past Wooldridge. Turn left on Ridge. Then left on Copps Chapel. First Drive on the left (13500) is the south pastures of our farm with RV camping available. The next drive on the left is our north pastures and treehouse camping. Don't mix these up if you are in an RV
Long version of directions:
We have good roads and drivewayentrances if you follow these directions. From I-70 look for exit 111 (corresponds to mile marker 111). Go south at this exit which is Hwy 179. Go through Wooldridge, following signs, to stay on 179. If you leave 179 you will likely cross railroad tracks. GO BACK TO 179! If you cross railroad tracks you will go down a dead end road without places to turn around. Don't trust GPS if you have crossed tracks. Go past Wooldridge 2.9 miles staying on 179. Turn LEFT (east) on Ridge Road. Once you get close to Ridge, GPS can be trusted. Note that the road across from Ridge is called Big Lick. If you miss Ridge, which is easy to do, don't worry. There is a large intersection at EE that is easy to turn around at...even with a large RV or trailer. You will go 1 mile east on Ridge to Copps Chapel. Then go left (north) on copps Chapel. Note that 13500 is the entrance to the south part of our farm and can accomodate large RVs on our campground. Our 13130 Copps Chapel entrance does NOT accomodate large Class As or semis. However semis can unload a horse on Copps Chapel and continue on Copps Chapel to 179.
If you get lost or need any help, call 573-999-4929.
Final note: It is possible to come in on Copps Chapel directly from 179 if the road isn't flooded, or snowy, and you have a vehicle capable of climbing a hill and making sharp turns. If there is any doubt....take Ridge. Call 573-999-4929 if I can help.